Thursday, October 16, 2008


Just got back from Cali yesterday. Had a blast. We went to the Sequoia National Forest. If you haven't been I highly recommend it. The trees are amazing like something out of a fantasy novel. We stayed with this big Russian family, like serious Russian the Grandparents spoke no English. They were the nicest people ever. They had so much food, authentic Russian food, I was stuffed every meal. LA was nice too except it made me realize why I live in SLC. Its just too big and too expensive. Michelle is starting to show allot now and we find out on Halloween what the baby will be. Pics of Cali to follow. Also, I like pie.

Friday, September 26, 2008

New Start

So im turning over a new chapter in my life. I will be 30 in a few months and all this crap I have been doing the last 15 years (wow 15 years thats scary) is just not cutting it anymore. I cant live paycheck to paycheck never saving and using most of my money to party all the time. I have cut my drinking down to about once every week if that and even them it only on the weekends. I have cutting my smoking down too, although that is much harder. I have been going to bed by ten on weekdays and almost the same time on weekends. It nice not wasting the whole weekend hungover. My girlfriend is the big reason for this. I love just staying home with her reading, talking and watching movies. I don't even miss the bar. I have decided I don't want to wait more that two years to finally save up enough to get a house. My mind is clearer, I am doing great at work and I really think that this is going to work out very, very well.

Reports on my progress to follow.

P.S. The baby is a big as my fist now. Michelle thinks is going to be a girl but I think boy. We shall see. :)

First Blog

Just singed up going to edit my profile more to come.